Tuesday, October 10, 2006

J and J in the kitchen again!!!

Here is an idea for the upcoming Hungarian celebration of the 1956 revolt. This dish is also very Octoberish.

Needed stuff- this is for two people
One squash aka TŐK - this should be gord shaped, skinny on top and fat on the bottom
Cashue Nuts - spelling may be off but U know what I have in mind - 1 pkg
Raisins - small package
Sunflower oil
Brown Sugar
- one full large head per person (2)
Red large paprika - fresh
Paprika powder - mild
Aluminum foil
baking pan
ground beef
- 250 grams
packaged "steak" seasoning
- 1
Instructions are simple. First chop up mushrooms and raisins in a small bowl. Next cut garlic into good sized bits, about size of little finger nail. Put garlic, raisins and cashues into a bowl, Nuts should be lightly broken up first. Add a big tablespoon of paprika powder to nut mix. Next, prepare ground beef patties by mixing chopped mushrooms and chopped onion and egg plus a two tablespoons of "steak" premix flavoring. Form into patties and put in oven at setting 5 (cook for 30 minutes minimum). While cooking meet, cut squash into half the long way. Clean out seeds. Poke with fork and put in microwave at high setting for about 12-15 minutes. It should be juicy and kind of soft when done enough. Cut several slits into the half sections and drizzle honey over, also pat on a generous amount of brown sugar. Put halves into their individual "dish" of aluminum foil and place in oven. These need to bake about 25 minutes or more. When the meet patties are done the oven can be turned up to "6". Be careful not to tear the foil or you will have one ^&$% of a mess in the oven.
Now do the rice. Nothing special here.
Prepare several large lettice leaves. Now the fun part.
About the time the rice is done everything should be done. So at about rice done minus 8 put the nut mix in a pan with oil and fry. This should start to smell quite yummy and drive off any local vampires. Check the meet and squash for your preference of "done". The "Tők" should be soft and the sugar bubbling. Remove from oven very carefully as the sugar will cook anything it touches including you. Put squash on plate and fill hole with nut/garlic mix. Put extra all over the top of the squash. Put meat patty on plate. Put lettice leaf on plate. Put a quantity of rice on the lettice leaf. Sprinkle red paprika powder on top of the rice. Voila, you have a mini Hungarian flag.
Serve with bread and cold beer. PS- don't eat the skin of the squash.

J and J

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