Saturday, December 24, 2005

Up and Running!

Hello to all the CETPers. This is Emily and Laura writing you from here in Magyarország, wishing you all a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. We are also relaying the message that as of today we, again Emily and Laura, will now, most be in charge of the CETP Newsletter. We are very excited to be your news correspondents in Hungary and promise to do our best in relaying all news information type stuff, including but not limited to the following: events, recipes, lesson plans, and - above all else - alcohol. We're open to bribes, gifts and monetary donations... but we'll publish whatever you send anyway. Feel free to email anything worth publishing to Laura ( or Emily (

Second order of business: Welcome to all the newbies who will be joining us for the second semester. We are excited to have you and hope that your experience is as tökjó as ours.

Third and final order of business: Emily and I would love to announce that once again we are spending our Poor Girls Holiday drinking caffeine-free non alcoholic beverages and watching the MTV European Music Awards. It is just as good the second, third and fourth time. That is all the news from the home front. This is Emily Handler and Laura Stigen signing off. Check back again soon to see this wicked awesome brand new NEWSLETTER!!!

1 comment:

jeremy said...

nice ladies!!! sweet idea. well done.